Blackened Sky (Part 2)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:31 p.m.
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Song Author
Simon Neil
File Size
304 KB
Six more times slide in your eye, you think you're in-no-cent, in-no-cent. Pull back and ass-ess the skinned sky, to see your in-no-cence, in-no-cence. Use just once and des-troy. Search-ing for an-swers, you'll ne-ver em-ploy. Com-plete, be-come your vis-ion now. It's the same as I am. It's just true in-cest now. Dec-eive your sins ag-ain, you're in-no-cent. Ref-lect the hate in your eyes. Con-vex your down, con-cave you're in ag-ain. Use just once and des-troy. Search-ing for an-swers, you'll ne-ver em-ploy. Com-plete, be-come your vis-ion now. It's the same as I am. Just to see this love plan. Hit re-set, re-set. Time and time ag-ain. Hit re-set, re-set. Time and time ag-ain. Sweat drenched hands, Is it blood, fuck who cares? I can not help the joy I'm fee-ling. Hur-ting you, You're beau-ti-ful when you cry. If you loved, You'd un-der-stand the way, Cle-ver thoughts with-stand, And sway ag-ainst your pain. I can't give, A thing, Your way, To bel-ieve in, To bel-ieve in Your heart. I'm so-rry for this now but I have to hurt, I have to kill you.
The sun shone in. The glint in your eye. Your beau-ti-ful face. Your beau-ti-ful face. I held her tight, Close to my heart. I did-n't know it would break. I did-n't know it would break. I don't bel-ieve there's love an-y-more, It's all in-side. We al-ways said it's for-ev-er in this bea-uti-ful life. Do do do do. Do do do do. Do do do do. Do. And ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er. And ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er. I held her tight, Close to my heart. I di-dn't know it would break. I di-dn't know it would break. I don't bel-ieve there's love an-y-more, It's all in-side. We al-ways said it's for-ev-er in this bea-uti-ful life. And ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er. And ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er. And ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er, and ov-er-er. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.
Ir-on man, I re-turn to you, to be the way you want-ed. But I have no strength or the de-cen-cy in me to be a he-ro. But we still fall down, Yeah, you'll still fall down. Ir-on man, I re-fuse to be the way that you would want me. Still I've got no strength but the sense in me to see I'm not a he-ro. But we still fall down, Still fall down And we'll still fall down, and we still fall. But we still fall down. And we still fall down. And you'll still fall down. Yeah we still fall down. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
"Want it, feel it" is what you say. Our turn, our turn. Fuck you and all your games. Who'd have ev-er thought, You would beg for death, To take the pain? Re-cen-tly cor-rup-tion, In your mind will shut you down. Want it, feel it, Take what you gave. My turn, my turn, Was-n't born to be your slave. To-night, When we ride, It is such a rel-ief to get out-side. When we ride, It is such a rel-ief to get out-side. When we ride, It is such a... When we ride, It is such a...
If my hope is gone, The way I feel. Un-til the End is near, Bel-ow my Stress on the sky! La la la. La la la. La la. La la. Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.
What must I have be-come, To des-erve all the shit that you gave me? The rocks look like a bo-dy in the ri-ver. Now I just wish that I could sleep, To keep me from thin-king, But the thoughts keep me up. It's been two months since you, Taught me not to trust. But you kept your pro-mise. You made patt-erns in my face, You pain-ted pic-tures with my tears. And you did it ag-ain, I knew that you would. Thank you for sho-wing me there's more. Wash off your hands, it's time to let go, Rel-ease them. Give time to your heart, give time to your soul, Rel-ease them all.